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Custom Built Homes in Ocean County Have This in Common

Custom built homes in Ocean County like this one are built with hurricane resistant materials to protect from storm damages

The greatest thing about building a custom built home is its uniqueness.  Each one has a different layout, different style, different details. There is one thing, however, that all custom built homes in Ocean County have. While the appearance of all custom homes is different, they are usually built using the same materials. In Ocean County, the main similarity with all homes, especially those built on or close to the shore, is that they are all built to withstand storms. The key ingredient to making a home stormproof is the right building materials. Even the highest quality materials can crumble under the forces of a big storm. Wind, hail, and flooding are some of the threats of coastal storms and only certain products can withstand their impact.

Foundation and Framing Need to Be Strong

The basis of any building’s strength comes from its foundation and it’s framing. A weak foundation means a weak building. A strong foundation with well-constructed framing, on the other hand, is what helps keep a building standing during the worst conditions. Most homes are termed stick built. This is fine for a majority of locations. Building along the coastline, alternatively, requires a much stronger frame.  Steel is a popular choice as it can withstand hurricane force winds. The drawback of using this is the expense. Another type of storm-resistant framing is concrete blocks. Concrete framing is becoming popular for reasons beyond its resistance to elemental forces. The biggest attraction to a concrete form house is that it can be faced with just about any other material. This makes it easy to get the look of the home you want with the strength you need.

Roofing Materials Matter for Custom Built Homes in Ocean County

Hail can wreak havoc on an asphalt tiled roof. All that damage easily leads to leaks and water damage from above. Stone coated metal roofing is a suitable and attractive option. Along with the rain and coastal flooding, wind is a big factor in building a custom home at the Jersey shore. Homes along the beach are subject to much more forceful winds than those farther inland. This means not only does the material itself matter, but how it is attached is crucial. A homes design, from the foundation up, affects roof shape and. therefore, strength. Certain roof shapes and angles are better suited for storm laden areas like the beach. Plus, there are specially designed fasteners that are better to use and more reliable than roofing nails. In Florida, a heavy storm state, roofing nails aren’t allowed because they cannot withstand the weather.

Hurricane Glass

Impact resistant windows are a must when building a custom home in Ocean County near the beach. This is one material not to skimp on. Don’t skip outfitting each and every window, as well as doors, with impact resistant glass. While these windows may still crack or break, they won’t shatter. This keeps them much safer during periods of high winds. In addition, they also keep out looters from ravaging your home after severe weather because they won’t allow access to your home since they don’t break. It is important to know that there is a big difference between tempered glass and impact resistant glass. Tempered glass is fine for other homes, but for custom built homes in Ocean County, impact resistant is the only way to go.

Custom Built Homes in Ocean County Need to Withstand the Storm

After your home is complete, maintenance is a big part of keeping your home secure against storm damage. While what materials your builder and you choose to use, the care of them is what really makes a difference. Hurricane windows are great, but hurricane shutters on top is even better. Ensuring all loose items outside are contained is important to avoid projectiles during high winds. A metal roof is great, but if you don’t take care of your gutters, your roof will suffer. Finding and working with a builder who has the right knowledge and skill to build a beach house of your dreams can be hard. If you are looking for a builder who creates gorgeous custom built homes in Ocean County, reach out to Monetti Custom Homes. Besides their expertise in building homes for the shore, their design aesthetic is the perfect blend of elegance, comfort, and luxury.

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Last modified: August 6, 2021
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