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CedarCure Targets Larval Stage Insects

Taking the step to commit to organic gardening can be intimidating. Some assume it will be more expensive as well as more time consuming. While it may require some research on your part, organic gardening is much easier today than it has been in the past. Not only are there so many more products available on the market, they are more affordable as well. In addition to that, there are many more experienced suppliers that sell organic products like CedarCure including Tech Terra Environmental who “specializes in environmentally conscious application products to improve plant and soil health for lawn care providers, landscape contractors, and municipalities & schools in the tree and turf care industry.” These professionals are a great resource for those looking to use organic gardening products and aren’t sure where to start.

Grubs are a Threat to Lawns

White grubs in soil not treated with CedarCure

Anyone who takes care of their own lawn care knows how much work it can be to not only get, but also maintain a lush, green lawn. One of the top threats to that dream is grubs. These insects will leave dead, brown patches all over your lawn. They feed on the roots killing the lawn. You’ll start to notice dead areas towards the end of summer. If you suspect grubs may be the cause of your lawn troubles, try pulling up a dead patch. When grubs are the offenders, the lawn will roll up like a mat. If you’re still not sure if grubs are to blame, dig up some soil. Finding more than five grub per square-foot means you have a problem. Another side effect of grubs is that they also attract predators that will peck and rip at your lawn to get to them causing additional damage.

Treat Grubs with CedarCure

White grubs are actually the larval stage of beetles. Aside from lawn damage, if you notice a large amount of beetles in your yard, CedarCure should be your next purchase. The active ingredient is, not surprisingly, Cedarwood oil. This product attacks the exoskeleton of the larvae causing dehydration and death. In addition to that, other modes of action include disruption of systems that are essential to life such as the ability to detect food and mates. Plus, even if they grubs are able to find a mate, CedarCure inhibits their ability to reproduce by upsetting the egg laying cycle. With even just this one mode of control, new generations of insects are halted with every application of CedarCure. However, CedarCure isn’t done yet. The oil is also “inhaled” through the skin of the grub affecting the neurological system most often resulting in death.

Why Choose CedarCure

One of the largest complaints of yard care products is how long re-entry times are. Often, with toxic chemicals, kids and pets are unable to play on the turf for days. This just isn’t realistic. For homes that want to lessen off-limit turf time, check out CedarCure. You only have to wait a few minutes after application until its safe for people and animals to enjoy the yard again. For those questioning the safety of CedarCure, the EPA has deemed it so safe that it does not need to be registered as a pesticide. Otherwise called a minimum risk pesticide, these products and ingredients pose so little threat to people and animals that it does not need to be reviewed. There are six conditions a product must meet in order to qualify to be certified safe by the EPA. Still not sure? What if we tell you it works!

It’s Simple. CedarCure Works

Close-up of lush, healthy, green lawn treated with CedarCure

Taking into account how many different ways the cedarwood oil affects grubs, it isn’t hard to believe that the product works. The variety of modes of action also ensure that insects don’t become immune to the product. This is a common problem with many chemicals. Eventually, after multiple applications, the product stops working because the pest has figured out how to defeat it. CedarCure has that issue covered by attacking the larvae multiple ways. Rest assured, however, that CedarCure does not negatively affect beneficial insects like ladybugs and butterflies so gardeners love it too. Become the next #1 fan of CedarCure and buy some today!  

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Last modified: November 29, 2022
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