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These Are the Most Important Attributes of ATM Service

Remote ATM service monitoring

When it comes to managing a community bank, finding great ATM service is a must. If there is one thing you don’t want to be mediocre about your financial industry, it’s the maintenance and repairs provided to your fintech. In today’s world, convenience is king. For local banks, this means financial technology. Any piece of equipment that makes the job of a teller or bank employee easier and makes the waiting time for customers shorter is fintech. One of the most important and recognizable pieces of fintech is the ATM. Almost everyone who has a bank account has at one time or another used an ATM. These machines give users 24-hour access to their money and people like that. The downside of technology is that it breaks, it becomes outdated, and it is vulnerable to attack. Great ATM service is an easy way to combat all of these issues.

ATM Service Should Happen Remotely

We’re gonna say it. If your ATM service company doesn’t offer remote management, you should find a new company. The speed at which business happens and needs to happen is faster than ever before. The last thing you want to do as a local branch is to have to wait around for a service representative to be dispatched every time there is an issue with a machine. Ideally, your ATM service should be able to identify problems and repair them before anyone even knows anything is wrong.

Remote management does more than repair problems too. Technology needs to be upgraded and financial technology especially need to maintain PCI compliance. These upgrades often improve security and in the financial industry, this is a must. Security patches are sent often and rather than waste an employee’s time and experience any extended downtime, find an ATM service that will do it for you. In this way, off-site management services can also improve employee and therefore branch efficiency.

Good Service Can’t Happen Without Parts

Despite the best remote management services, machines like ATMs have so many working parts that something is bound to break. Just as you don’t want to wait for a technician to be dispatched, you also don’t want to hear that you have to wait for a part to be ordered for a repair to happen. The longer a piece of equipment is out of order, the worse it is for business. A fully-stocked warehouse of parts and machines is a great quality of ATM service companies. If your ATM needs a repair, you want it to happen as quickly as possible. In order for this to happen, your service company should have a fleet of service vehicles to transport technicians as well as a warehouse that is fully-stocked.  

Great ATM Service Needs Well-Trained Technicians

Aside from access to parts, having technicians that are trained to diagnose and repair problems is just as important. Once you decide on what type of fintech you want to purchase, find a supplier that provides service with technicians that get trained by the manufacturer. It’s good to have a well-trained ATM service technician. However, if you purchase an NCR ATM, for example, an ATM service technician trained by NCR is better. No two machines are built the same. So knowing ATMs is important, but understanding the ins and outs of NCR machines is crucial.

An ATM Service Company is a Branch’s Lifeline

Remote ATM service monitoring

Downtime is the enemy of all branch managers. Angry customers and lost revenue can turn a great day into a nightmare in a matter of minutes. When you find an ATM service company that understands how valuable uptime is for your fintech they become your lifeline. ATM need an update? Your ATM service company can take care of that. New security patches available? An ATM maintenance contract should cover that. Adding fintech to your branch should not equal more work for employees. These machines are designed to make life easier for customers and employees. This can only be true, however, with great ATM service.

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Last modified: September 29, 2022
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